Startup IP

How Cheap Patents Are Irreversible

What is wrong with filing cheap patents? It’s one thing to tell folks that cheap patents can lead to irreversible damage, but it’s quite another…

Incorporate or Trademark First?

Does it matter whether you incorporate or trademark first? Incorporate or trademark first? Does it matter? Actually, it matters a great deal. A proper trademark…

Who is the Patent Owner: Company or You?

Should the patent owner be you as an individual or your company? Startups frequently ask whether their patent should be owned by the company or…

Patent Cost: Can we match a competitive bid?

Give Us A Chance to Match or Beat a Competitive Patent Cost Quote Nearly every patent firm sets their own attorney’s fees and service rates.…

Why patents matter to your startup

Why should startups care about patents? Spend enough time on the internet and you will find arguments both for and against startups filing patents. One…

IP for product designers: What should designers and consultants know about intellectual property?

Should product designers care about IP? Product designers and consultants are in the business of not only creating new products, but also in helping their…

Does our law firm take credit card retainer payments?

Yes, our law firm takes credit card payments for initial retainers While the legal industry has been slow to adapt, Innovation Capital Law Group tries…

What should a Startup IP Checklist include?

What is the point of a startup IP checklist? Checklists are wonderful. A helpful startup IP checklist keeps founders focused on the more important tasks…

How to trademark a new company name: Should founders search trademarks before incorporating?

How to trademark a new company name: First incorporate or search trademarks? This question might catch you off guard if your plans for incorporation didn’t…

Startup patent guide: Where to start

What is a smart patent strategy for startups? For startups, knowing where to start with patents is the hard part. Once you have an IP…

How Startups Should File Trademark Applications

When your startup company name is also the trademark for your product Before incorporating, it is best to search the USPTO trademark database for your…

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