expired patent

How to Revive a Utility Patent: Renewing a Dead Patent

Can you revive a granted utility patent after failing to pay maintenance fees? Yes, it is possible to revive a granted utility patent where you…

Can you renew a patent?

Can a patent be renewed? No, you cannot renew a patent in the US. Technically speaking, US utility patents are maintained, not renewed. The connotation…

How to Revive Abandoned Patent Application or Expired Patent

Can an abandoned patent application be revived? Under certain circumstances, yes. An abandoned patent application may be revived depending upon the following key factors: Need…

Is an expired patent still relevant?

Can an expired patent still be prior art against a pending application? Yes, an expired patent is still prior art. Prior art has nothing to…

How to Pay a Late Patent Maintenance Fee: Reviving a Utility Patent

Is there such a thing as a patent renewal? Sort of. Instead of patent renewals, they are called maintenance fees. Maintenance fees apply only to…

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