patent search

How to Know If Your Products Infringe a Patent

Where do you start if you have been accused of patent infringement? Disruptive and disconcerting – two of the most common emotions experienced by one…

What is a PCT patent search of prior art?

Will you get a prior art search in your PCT patent application? Yes, a prior art patent search is typically made in each PCT application.…

Freedom To Operate (FTO) or Infringement Search: How to Sell Your Products Safely

What is a freedom to operate or patent infringement search? A freedom to operate search or review is basically an analysis to see if you…

What is a patentability search?

How can a novelty search can help you file a utility nonprovisional patent application? Before investing in an expensive utility patent application, a utility novelty…

Should I have a patent infringement search conducted for a simple product?

What is an FTO search? Also known as a Freedom-To-Operate (FTO) or right-to-use search, a patent infringement search looks for patents that may cover a…

Patent Search: What are differences between Novelty, Validity and Freedom-To-Operate Searches?

What are the different types of patent searches? A patent search can mean different things. So when you’re talking to a patent attorney about a…

Is my idea patentable?

What makes an idea patentable? If you have specific examples of how your idea would actually work, then your concept might be patentable if it…

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