Patent Applications

How to Lose Patent Arguments

What are the top losing patent arguments? About 9 out of 10 utility patent applications will receive at least one rejection. Getting a utility patent,…

How to Patent a Consumer Product

Can you patent a consumer product? Consumer products are filled with innovation. Even a slight improvement might make a consumer product worthy of a patent.…

How to Patent a Medical Device

What is a smarter way to patent a medical device? Medical device patents can make a direct impact on sales as well as create licensing…

How to Revive a Utility Patent: Renewing a Dead Patent

Can you revive a granted utility patent after failing to pay maintenance fees? Yes, it is possible to revive a granted utility patent where you…

When is the best time to file a patent?

When should you file a patent application? Apply for a patent now or wait a bit? If not now, when? At what point will it…

What is the First-Time Filer Expedited Examination Pilot Program?

How can a first-time filer speed up their utility patent application? If you are filing a utility patent application for the first time, you might…

Patented Product or False Marking: How To Know If Your Patent Covers Your Products

How do you know if your product is covered by a patent? It can seem like a given premise that you don’t even bother questioning…

Are You Unsatisfied With Your Current US Patent Agent or IP Law Firm?

What are warning signs that may warrant a change in your US patent agent or law firm? When it comes USPTO patent prosecution, many factors…

Food Patent: How to Protect Unique Foods, Drinks and Manufacturing Processes

How do you patent food? If you love to eat as much as I do, you might think of food as something you would not…

Is a Patent Worth Your Money and Time?

Do patents matter? Some say patents are worthless. Don’t even bother, they argue, and focus on selling products instead. Others say patents matter. If patents…

Reissue Application: How to Broaden Your Granted Patent

What is a reissue application? Congratulations on getting your utility patent. After overcoming Office Actions and multiple rejections, you have reached the desired goal of…

Patentable? What makes an invention novel and nonobvious?

What is patentable? To be patentable, an invention must be both eligible and unique. Subject matter eligibility relates to the nature of the invention while…
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