TTAB Trademark Opposition & Cancellation

How to Win a Trademark Opposition (TTAB)

How do you win a trademark opposition at the TTAB? Before delving into how to win a trademark opposition, we first need to define victory.…

How much does a trademark opposition cost?

Trademark Opposition Cost: Can a precise estimate fit all TTAB cases? Before we discuss cost factors, recognize that a precise trademark opposition cost is both…

Trademark Counterclaim: A Counterattack for TTAB Oppositions and Cancellations

What is a trademark counterclaim? Is the best defense a strong offense? When it comes to TTAB oppositions and cancellations, it may make sense to…

How to Respond to a Notice of Opposition to Your Trademark Application

What is a Notice of Opposition to your trademark application? When your trademark application is approved by the USPTO, it will be published for opposition.…

TTAB Trademark Opposition: What You Should Know

Should you file a trademark opposition? A trademark application is close to the finish line. A few more days left in the publication period, and…

How to Respond to a Trademark Opposition: Is a registration worth fighting for?

What can you do if your trademark application is opposed? It can be a bit disheartening to receive an opposition to your trademark application. After…

How to Choose a Trademark Opposition Attorney

What factors matter in choosing a trademark opposition attorney? So your trademark application was approved and on track to a registration. Then it got derailed.…

Can you suspend or extend trademark opposition deadlines?

What is the difference between a suspension and an extension of trademark opposition deadlines? Each trademark opposition will have deadlines set by the TTAB. When…

What is the delay defense (laches) in a TTAB trademark cancellation?

What is laches? Laches is a fancy legal term meaning delay. If there has been delay in filing a TTAB trademark cancellation, laches might be…

What is a TTAB summary judgment motion?

What is a TTAB summary judgment motion? A TTAB summary judgment motion is a pretrial filing made to request an earlier decision in a trademark…

What is trademark monitoring?

What is a trademark monitoring service? A trademark monitoring service can notify you of trademark applications by third parties that may be similar to your…

How many TTAB cases reach final decisions?

How many TTAB oppositions and cancellations reach final decisions? At the outset, let me clarify that this post contains rough estimates of final decisions in…

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