How much does a trademark opposition cost?

Trademark Opposition Cost: Can a precise estimate fit all TTAB cases?

Before we discuss cost factors, recognize that a precise trademark opposition cost is both unrealistic and unhelpful in most cases. You can think of a TTAB trademark opposition as a mini-litigation between the opposer and the trademark applicant. So the cost of litigation will depend upon how far both sides are willing to go to fight for their trademark rights.

Need to defend a trademark opposition? Call US patent and trademark attorney Vic Lin at (949) 223-9623 or email to explore how we can help you get the right results.

For flat rate trademark attorney’s fees, see our TTAB trademark opposition flat rate fees here.

Lower End of Cost Range: $3,000 to $15,000

An early resolution is the most effective way to reduce the cost of a trademark opposition. The earlier, the better. If you are the trademark applicant (i.e., defendant), consider settlement options, counterclaims and any potentially dispositive motions. An experienced trademark attorney can help you determine whether the opposer would be open to settlement and if a suspension or extension should be filed.

Perhaps your trademark application is blocking the other side’s application, and they want you to agree that there is no likelihood of confusion between the respective marks.

Does the opposer have some vulnerabilities that should be attacked? Filing counterclaims may provide you with leverage for an earlier resolution.

Under the right circumstances, a motion to dismiss might make sense. More experienced trademark attorneys understand that it is difficult to prevail on a motion to dismiss, so only the right set of facts would warrant such an investment.

Mid-Range Trademark Opposition Costs: $15,000 – $45,000

Sometimes both parties are unwilling to compromise. In that case, you should expect that the trademark opposition proceeding will advance beyond the initial stage to the discovery phase.

Discovery may involve the following:

  • written questions called interrogatories;
  • document requests called requests for production of documents and things;
  • written requests for admissions (RFA); and/or
  • depositions of key persons.

Costs will start to add up as you respond to these discovery requests and send your own requests requiring the other side to reply.

These mid-range costs might include an earlier resolution by way of settlement or summary judgment.

Trademark Opposition or Cancellation
Trademark Opposition or Cancellation
Fill out this short form to see how we can help you with your trademark case.

Do you want to challenge a trademark filing or defend your trademark application/registration?

Do you want to challenge a trademark filing or defend your trademark application/registration?

Please indicate if you wish to oppose or cancel a trademark filing, or defend an opposition/cancellation filed against you.

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Challenger Details

What is the trademark registration number or application number you wish to challenge?*

What is the trademark registration number or application number you wish to challenge?*

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Please identify your trademark application or registration number(s), if any.

Please identify your trademark application or registration number(s), if any.

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Please provide a short explanation of your reasons for challenging the other side's trademark.

Please provide a short explanation of your reasons for challenging the other side's trademark.

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Defender Details
Tell us about your trademark application or registration.

Please identify your trademark application or registration number.*

Please identify your trademark application or registration number.*

If an opposition or cancellation has been filed with the Trademark Trial and Appeal Board (TTAB), feel free to include the TTAB proceeding number.

Clear selection

Who is the challenger seeking to oppose or cancel your trademark filing?*

Who is the challenger seeking to oppose or cancel your trademark filing?*

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If the challenger has identified their trademark filings, please provide the trademark registration or application number(s).

If the challenger has identified their trademark filings, please provide the trademark registration or application number(s).

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Anything we should know about your trademark filing?

Anything we should know about your trademark filing?

Please provide any specific information that you think might be helpful (e.g., when did you first start using their trademark, any relevant information about the challenger, etc.).

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Your Contact



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Phone Number*

Phone Number*

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What is your budget for this trademark case?*

What is your budget for this trademark case?*

Please choose a range that fits your budget.

Clear selection

High End of Trademark Opposition Costs: $50,000 to $100,000

The high end of the cost range involves taking the trademark opposition through trial and reaching a final decision. By my very rough calculations, it appears that less than 2% of TTAB trademark proceedings reach a final decision.

How to Avoid a Trademark Opposition Trial

After a sufficient amount of discovery has occurred, you might have the option to get the Board to decide your case without having to go through a TTAB trial. Consider whether it would make sense to file a motion for summary judgment to get a Board decision that would end the case sooner.

Filing a summary judgment motion is not cheap though. Expect to spend $10,000 to $25,000 to file or defend a TTAB motion for summary judgment.

Do you need to defend a trademark opposition?

Call US patent and trademark attorney Vic Lin at (949) 223-9623 or email to explore an approach for defending your trademark opposition that fits within your budget.

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