amendment to allege use

Substitute specimens: How to show trademark use when original specimens rejected

When do you need to submit substitute specimens of use? If your trademark specimens of use have been rejected, then you know what I’m talking…

USPTO approval of ITU application before using trademark?

Trademark Office approval not required before using ITU mark There is no legal requirement to wait for USPTO approval of your Intent-To-Use application before you…

Rejected Trademark Specimens: How to Respond and Submit Proper Specimens of Use

Why do trademark specimens get rejected? Back in the old days when paper trademark applications were filed via snail mail, original specimens of use were…

What is a Statement of Use (SOU)? How to Show Use of an ITU Trademark Application

What is a Statement of Use? An Intent-To-Use (ITU) trademark application does not require any evidence of trademark use at the initial filing. In fact,…

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