patent office action

How to Lose Patent Arguments

What are the top losing patent arguments? About 9 out of 10 utility patent applications will receive at least one rejection. Getting a utility patent,…

What is patent prosecution?

What does patent prosecution mean? Patent prosecution refers to the writing, filing and handling of patent applications. It encompasses the patent examination process from initial…

What is a patent specification?

What is the purpose of a patent specification? One of the biggest mistakes you can make is to read a patent specification and think you…

How To Respond To Patent Office Action

What does it take to respond to a Patent Office Action? Since the probability is high (approximately 88%) that a utility nonprovisional patent application will…

How long is the US patent application process (how much time does it take to get a utility patent)?

How long is the utility patent application process? The USPTO is notorious for its backlog of examining utility nonprovisional patent applications. First-time utility patent applicants…

Why conduct a patent examiner interview?

What is a patent examiner interview? Patent examiners are human. This simple truth is often overlooked in the back-and-forth written communications with the USPTO. An…

What is a Patent Office Action?

What is a patent Office Action? After waiting one to two years (or longer) from the filing date of your utility nonprovisional patent application, you…

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