prior art

What does a successful patent Office Action response look like?

What makes for a successful patent Office Action response? When it comes to responding to patent rejections, you have essentially two weapons. First, you can…

What is a PCT patent search of prior art?

Will you get a prior art search in your PCT patent application? Yes, a prior art patent search is typically made in each PCT application.…

Can others file the same patent in a different country?

Same patent by others in different country? If an earlier applicant obtains a patent first in their own country, can others subsequently patent the same…

How to analyze prior art in Office Action

Prior art cited in patent Office Action When prior art is cited in an Office Action to reject your claims, the typical reaction of applicants…

Patent publication = published patent application

What is a patent publication? A patent publication is a published utility patent application which is not the same thing as a patent. While a…

How does the USPTO get prior art?

How do USPTO patent examiners get prior art? When examining patent applications, USPTO examiners get relevant prior art through two primary means: the patent examiner…

What is a priority date?

What is a patent priority date? Priority date refers to the earliest filing date in a family of patent applications. Where only a single patent…

What is prior art?

Drawing the line between old and new The term “prior art” is frequently used in the patent world to refer to what already exists. It’s the…

Novel Invention: How to Respond to a Section 102 Novelty Patent Rejection

What is a novel invention? Patent novelty refers to the uniqueness of an invention. To be patentable, an invention must be both novel and nonobvious. An…

What is an Information Disclosure Statement or IDS?

What is an Information Disclosure Statement (IDS)? Every patent applicant has a duty to disclose to the USPTO all known prior art or other information…

Is an expired patent still relevant?

Can an expired patent still be prior art against a pending application? Yes, an expired patent is still prior art. Prior art has nothing to…

What is a new use patent or intended use claim language?

Can you patent a new use of an old product? Yes, it is possible to patent a new use of an old product. That’s the…

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