trademark infringement

Unauthorized Sales of Authentic Goods: Not Counterfeit but Trademark Infringement?

When is it OK to sell authentic goods? Ever wonder why certain sales of authentic goods would not constitute trademark infringement? When is it not…

How to Get Sued for Sending a Cease-and-Desist Letter: Declaratory Judgment

Can you get sued for sending a cease-and-desist letter? Yes, you can get sued for sending a C&D letter. It’s called a declaratory judgment lawsuit.…

Trademark Enforcement: How to Stop Infringement of Your Brand

How can you realistically enforce your trademarks? Trademark enforcement is not only for millionaires and big companies. Startups and small businesses can use cost-effective ways…

Cease-and-Desist Letter: How to Use It Effectively or Reply

Why send a cease-and-desist letter? On its surface, a cease-and-desist letter seems like a less expensive way to enforce intellectual property rights. Are competitors copying…

How to Enforce Intellectual Property Without A Lot of Money

Affordable ways to enforce intellectual property If you don’t have at least two million dollars laying around to sue for patent infringement, this post is…

What is trademark fair use?

When is it OK to refer to someone else’s trademark? Trademark law allows for third parties to refer to use terms in certain situations without…

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