ip strategy

Got Moat?

Why economic moat is good for startups It’s a competitive world out there. In any area of business that appears profitable, competition seems only to…

What are differences between patents and trademarks?

How are patents and trademarks different? The goal of this article is to provide a helpful summary of differences between patents and trademarks that will…

Can you trademark before launching product?

What comes first: filing trademark or launching product? The US trademark registration system is different from the rest of the world. With a few exceptions,…

How to Get Broader Patent Claims

Broader patent claims: when less is more Before we dive into this discussion, let’s make sure we’re all on the same page about what we…

Trademark Strategy: 5 Steps to Optimize Chances of Successful Registration

What is a trademark strategy that will improve the chances of registering your mark? A successful trademark registration will depend a great deal upon the…

Patent strategy: 5 steps to improve chances of getting a patent

Your patent strategy depends on your goals Patent strategies should be dictated by end goals. So it makes sense to start with a worthy goal,…

How hard is it to get a patent?

How hard is it to get a utility patent? Before delving into how hard it is to get a utility patent, we should define that…

How much does a patent cost from start to finish?

How much does it cost to get a patent? A one-size-fits-all patent does not exist. Patents vary widely. Design patents, for example, are more predictable…

How to Patent Before or After Product Launch

A patent game plan for product launch Deciding whether to file a patent application before or after product launch is not easy. While much can…

File both utility and design patents: When does it make sense?

Is it possible to file both utility and design patents? The question ignored by most startups and entrepreneurs is: Why not file both utility and…

What is an IP strategy session?

What is the difference between an IP strategy session and a free initial consultation? Sometimes clients need more than what our free initial consultation can…

Free initial consultation: what is and is not covered

What is covered in our free initial consultation? Many prospective clients seek a free initial consultation to discuss their IP matters. Anyone who has read…

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