
Patentable? What makes an invention novel and nonobvious?

What is patentable? To be patentable, an invention must be both eligible and unique. Subject matter eligibility relates to the nature of the invention while…

Is a method of treatment patentable in the US?

Are methods of treating humans patentable in the US? Yes, a medical method of treatment is patentable in the US. Of course, methods of treating…

How to read a patent: Utility vs. design patents

How to read a patent While design patents are straightforward, utility patents can be confusing to understand. You have the claims which read like a…

Patentable or Not? What can you patent?

Can you patent that? “Patentable?” This is one of the most common questions we get from new clients. The question may relate to whether their…

Is my idea patentable?

What makes an idea patentable? If you have specific examples of how your idea would actually work, then your concept might be patentable if it…

Patentable vs. Infringing: Will a patent protect you from infringement?

What is the difference between patentable and infringing? Can a new product be both patentable and infringing? Would a patent protect you from infringement? One…

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