patent infringement

Declaratory Judgment: How to Fight a Patent Infringement Claim When Stakes Are High

What is a patent declaratory judgment lawsuit? A patent declaratory judgment action is an infringement lawsuit in reverse. The plaintiff is the accused infringer seeking…

How does patent infringement work?

Does your product infringe a patent? Patent infringement can be tricky, but not incomprehensible. No single article can tell you everything you need to know…

Top 3 Ways to Defend Patent Infringement Claims

How do you defend a patent infringement claim? Accusations of patent infringement should be taken seriously. Whether they are asserted in the form of cease-and-desist…

Utility Patent Noninfringement: How to Argue Products Do Not Infringe

What is utility patent infringement? What makes a product noninfringing? When it comes to utility patents, what modifications would help your products avoid infringement? Let’s…

What if your Amazon Patent Violation Report is rejected?

What if your Amazon patent violation report against an infringing product is denied? It seems so easy for patent owners. Fill out Amazon’s Report a…

Patented Product or False Marking: How To Know If Your Patent Covers Your Products

How do you know if your product is covered by a patent? It can seem like a given premise that you don’t even bother questioning…

How to Get Sued for Sending a Cease-and-Desist Letter: Declaratory Judgment

Can you get sued for sending a cease-and-desist letter? Yes, you can get sued for sending a C&D letter. It’s called a declaratory judgment lawsuit.…

Is a Patent Worth Your Money and Time?

Do patents matter? Some say patents are worthless. Don’t even bother, they argue, and focus on selling products instead. Others say patents matter. If patents…

Patent Litigation Cost: How to Stop Infringement with Less Money

What makes the cost of patent litigation so high? What would you think if I told you that the average patent litigation cost exceeds well…

Patent Enforcement: How To Stop Patent Infringement

Is patent enforcement possible for small companies? Whatever people may have heard about patent enforcement, one thing is clear. Almost everyone knows that patent infringement…

How to Enforce Patents When You Don’t Have Money: Patent Litigation Funding

Can you file a patent lawsuit without a lot of money? It seems fashionably controversial nowadays to say patents are worthless. Myths abound on the…

Cease-and-Desist Letter: How to Use It Effectively or Reply

Why send a cease-and-desist letter? On its surface, a cease-and-desist letter seems like a less expensive way to enforce intellectual property rights. Are competitors copying…

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