design patent

How to Patent a Consumer Product

Can you patent a consumer product? Consumer products are filled with innovation. Even a slight improvement might make a consumer product worthy of a patent.…

How does patent infringement work?

Does your product infringe a patent? Patent infringement can be tricky, but not incomprehensible. No single article can tell you everything you need to know…

How to Start a Design Patent Application

Design Patent Application: Where to Start Are you thinking about filing a design patent, but not sure where to begin? You found the right post.…

How to Handle a Trademark Rejection: File a Design Patent Instead?

Rejected Trademark Application? Get a Design Patent Instead The path to registering a trademark can be strewn with landmines. When your trademark application faces difficult…

How long does it take to obtain a design patent?

How long is the average design patent application? There are two tracks or timeframes for US design patents. On the fast track known as Rocket…

Can a Logo Help You Get a Design Patent and Avoid Infringement?

Can you include a logo in your design patent application? Let me share a strategy if you’re thinking about filing a design patent application for…

Is a Patent Worth Your Money and Time?

Do patents matter? Some say patents are worthless. Don’t even bother, they argue, and focus on selling products instead. Others say patents matter. If patents…

What are the requirements for getting a design patent?

Are there any requirements for getting a design patent? Design patents can be quite powerful. They are part of a complete IP package you should…

How To File A US Design Patent Based On Foreign Priority

What is the filing deadline for a US design patent based on a foreign priority application? When it comes to filing related patent applications across…

How to Challenge a Design Patent Application

Mission Impossible: Can you block a design patent application? Design patent applications are not publicly viewable. It can be nearly impossible to figure out what…

How to Deal with a Counterfeit Product or Claim

What is the difference between counterfeiting and trademark infringing? Is it fake? Whether or not a product is a counterfeit boils down to the degree…

Can you file a design patent to protect from infringement?

Can filing a design patent protect you from infringement? It depends. Patent professionals, including myself, constantly stress that a patent does not protect its owner…

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